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Estados Unidos PMI Manufacturero
Último Lanzamiento
jul. 31, 2024
Unidades En
Próximo Lanzamiento
Tiempo restante para el Lanzamiento
Máximo | Mínimo | Promedio | Rango de Datos | Fuente |
63.4 jul. 2021 | 36.1 abr. 2020 | 53.31 Points | 2012-2024 | Markit Economics |
El PMI es un índice de la dirección predominante de las tendencias económicas en los sectores de fabricación y servicios. Consiste en un índice de difusión que resume si las condiciones del mercado, tal como las ven los gerentes de compras, se están expandiendo, manteniéndose o contrayéndose. El objetivo del PMI es proporcionar información sobre las condiciones comerciales actuales y futuras a los tomadores de decisiones, analistas e inversores de la empresa.
Últimas Actualizaciones
The S&P Global US Manufacturing PMI was revised slightly down to 47.9 in August 2024 from a preliminary of 48, and continued to point to the most marked deterioration in the health of the manufacturing sector so far this year. Production decreased for the first time in seven months as sales continued to fall amid increasing reports of demand weakness. A renewed reduction in employment was also recorded amid spare capacity in the sector. Also, demand for inputs was scaled back in response to lower new orders, leading to a first shortening of supplier lead times for three months. The pace of input cost inflation quickened to a 16-month high, with output prices also rising at a faster pace. Meanwhile, firms remained confident that output will increase over the coming year, although sentiment eased slightly. Sales and marketing efforts were among the factors supporting optimism, while some firms expect demand to return to normal following the presidential election.
Historia de PMI Manufacturero en Estados Unidos
Últimas lecturas en 12